
Moxibustion In Puerto Vallarta

Moxibustion is a type of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves burning moxa, a cone or stick made of ground mugwort leaves, on or near your body’s meridians and acupuncture points.

Practitioners believe that the resulting heat helps stimulate these points and improves the flow of qi (energy) in your body. According to traditional Chinese medicine practices, this increased qi circulation can help with a range of health issues, from chronic pain to digestive troubles.


How is it done?

Moxibustion can be applied directly or indirectly.

In direct moxibustion, the moxa cone rests on your body at the treatment point. The practitioner lights the cone and lets it burn slowly until your skin begins to turn red. Once you begin to feel heat, the practitioner removes it.

Moxa can also be placed on the acupuncture needle and ignited. It burns on the needle until it’s extinguished. The heat travels through the needle to the acupuncture point.

Indirect moxibustion is more commonly practiced. It’s also a safer option, since the burning moxa doesn’t actually touch your skin. Instead, the practitioner will hold it about an inch from your body. They’ll remove it once your skin becomes red and warm. Another option, “moxa boxes” may be filled with moxa, ignited, and placed on the body.


People use moxibustion for a range of other issues, including:

  • gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation
  • menstrual cramps
  • pain, including pain from arthritis, joint or muscle pain, and chronic pain
  • cancer-related nausea
  • urinary incontinence
  • fertility
  • asthma symptoms
  • eczema
  • fatigue
  • cold and flu prevention

Book Your Moxibustion In Puerto Vallarta

If you would like to know more about moxibustion, then please feel free to call Oriental Healing PV  on 646-216-8516